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We Worship and Celebrate Holy Communion on Sundays at 10 am.  

Our worship is preceded by a time of fellowship beginning at 9:30 am.

After worship we provide faith formation for children, confirmands, and adults.

During the period of Lent & Advent, we host a Wednesday soup supper prior to worship at noon, as well as the evening worship at 7:00 pm.




We are a congregation of the

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. 

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is Christian community, living out its particular purpose for being: “Growing by grace, serving in faith, and sharing God’s story.”  We recognize our brokenness and our absolute need for God’s mercy and grace. In response to God’s outpouring of love for all of humanity, Jesus on the cross, we strive to serve our neighbor and tell about the amazing things God has done and continues to do in our lives. 

Our Purpose Statement

Growing by grace, Serving in Faith, Sharing God's story.

Our Core Values

We value grace.
This is where it all begins.  Without God’s grace we have nothing.  Grace changes everything.  It changes our relationship with God and with other people, and it changes us.  It is only through God’s gifts grace, which are love, forgiveness, faith, and new life that we grow. 

We value people.
We are not all alike, and we believe God values that diversity.  Although we may not yet fully reflect the full breadth of the diversity God so loves, we believe diversity in all its forms makes life richer and is something to be valued.  We welcome all people. 

We value service.
Serving our neighbors is absolutely essential to Good Shepherd as a community of faith.  We believe faith is not something merely to be believed; rather, faith must be actively lived out through our individual and congregational actions of love and service to our neighbors and to one another.

We value the journey.
           Faith is not a destination.  It is a journey, full of twists and turns, ups and downs.  A Christian’s journey should always be on the move, regardless of age, constantly deepening one’s relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ.  We believe that active participation in worship, prayer, learning, service, and sharing our faith is essential to our growth, and we seek to nurture participation in these aspects of Christian life.


Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

North Carolina Synod

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